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Mocking data for Storybook

Storybook is a great utility to do isolated development and testing, potentially speeding up development time greatly.

<MockResolver /> enables easy loading of fixtures or interceptors to see what different network responses might look like. It can be layered, composed, and even used for imperative fetches usually used with side-effect endpoints like create and update.


export class Article extends Entity {
readonly id: number | undefined = undefined;
readonly content: string = '';
readonly author: number | null = null;
readonly contributors: number[] = [];

pk() {
export const ArticleResource = createResource({
urlPrefix: '',
path: '/article/:id',
schema: Article,

export let ArticleFixtures: Record<string, Fixture> = {};


We'll test three cases: some interesting results in the list, an empty list, and data not existing so loading fallback is shown.

// leave out in production so we don't bloat the bundle
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
ArticleFixtures = {
full: [
endpoint: ArticleResource.getList,
args: [{ maxResults: 10 }] as const,
response: [
id: 5,
content: 'have a merry christmas',
author: 2,
contributors: [],
id: 532,
content: 'never again',
author: 23,
contributors: [5],
endpoint: ArticleResource.update,
response: ({ id }, body) => ({
empty: [
endpoint: ArticleResource.getList,
args: [{ maxResults: 10 }] as const,
response: [],
error: [
endpoint: ArticleResource.getList,
args: [{ maxResults: 10 }] as const,
response: { message: 'Bad request', status: 400, name: 'Not Found' },
error: true,
loading: [],


You'll need to add the appropriate global decorators to establish the correct context.

This should resemble what you have added in initial setup

import { Suspense } from 'react';
import { CacheProvider, AsyncBoundary } from '@data-client/react';

export const decorators = [
Story => (
<AsyncBoundary fallback="loading">
<Story />


Wrapping our component with <MockResolver /> enables us to declaratively control how Reactive Data Client' fetches are resolved.

Here we select which fixtures should be used by storybook controls.

import { MockResolver } from '@data-client/test';
import type { Fixture } from '@data-client/test';
import { Story } from '@storybook/react/types-6-0';

import ArticleList from 'ArticleList';
import { ArticleFixtures } from 'resources/ArticleResource';

export default {
title: 'Pages/ArticleList',
component: ArticleList,
argTypes: {
result: {
description: 'Results',
defaultValue: 'full',
control: {
type: 'select',
options: Object.keys(ArticleFixtures),

const Template: Story<{ result: keyof typeof options }> = ({ result }) => (
<MockResolver fixtures={options[result]}>
<ArticleList maxResults={10} />

export const FullArticleList = Template.bind({});

FullArticleList.args = {
result: 'full',