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function useCancelling<
E extends EndpointInterface & {
extend: (o: { signal?: AbortSignal }) => any;
>(endpoint: E, ...args: readonly [...Parameters<E>] | readonly [null]): E {

Builds an Endpoint that cancels fetch everytime params change

Aborts inflight request if the parameters change.

export class Todo extends Entity {
id = 0;
userId = 0;
title = '';
completed = false;
pk() {
return `${}`;
export const TodoResource = createResource({
urlPrefix: '',
path: '/todos/:id',
schema: Todo,
import { useSuspense } from '@data-client/react';
import { useCancelling } from '@data-client/hooks';
import { TodoResource } from './api/Todo';
export default function TodoDetail({ id }: { id: number }) {
const todo = useSuspense(useCancelling(TodoResource.get, { id }), { id });
return <div>{todo.title}</div>;
import React from 'react';
import TodoDetail from './TodoDetail';
function AbortDemo() {
const [id, setId] = React.useState(1);
return (
<React.Suspense fallback="...">
<TodoDetail id={id} />
<button onClick={() => setId(id => id - 1)}>⬇️</button>{' '}
<button onClick={() => setId(id => id + 1)}>⬆️</button> &nbsp;{id}
render(<AbortDemo />);
Live Preview

Try clicking the + very quickly. If you increment before it resolves the request will be cancelled and you should not see results in the store.


Be careful when using this with many disjoint components fetching the same arguments (Endpoint/params pair) to useSuspense(). This solution aborts fetches per-component, which means you might end up canceling a fetch that another component still cares about.

Part of @data-client/hooks